People live in a state of confusion.
What to eat today, what to wear, where to go.We spend every minute and every second of our lives with a wide variety of choices, from the smallest ones that we don't even think about to the most important ones, such as higher education, employment, and marriage.Which way is the right one to go, is the answer correct, are there any regrets...
The more we agonize, the more we try to identify the virtues and differences of each choice, and even dig up third-party opinions to make the question eternally unanswerable.So what do we do? There are no words within the photograph.
However, the puzzle frames, accumulated over a vast period of time, will show us, with deja vu intimacy, what is light, what affirms us, and the answers to our propositions.The memories that Plato and Socrates have told us all under the shade of its trees.
I have compiled this body of work in the hope that somewhere in the years captured in the monochrome world, there is a kind of hope that absolutely grips us when we stop to make a decision between two alternatives, when we have to make a clear black-and-white decision.
*Platanus is a deciduous tall tree of the family Plataceae, and is widely used in Japan as a roadside tree and garden tree. In ancient Greece, philosophers are said to have philosophized under a row of Platanus trees.
1985年神奈川県生まれ。20歳の頃、祖父から譲り受けた35mmフィルムカメラで写真を撮り始める。2014年、写真家渡部さとる氏主宰のワークショップWorkshop2Bを受講し暗室作業での作品制作を学ぶ。主な個展に『海馬のゆりかご』(2017 銀座ニコンサロン/2018 大阪ニコンサロン)がある。
作家HP https://www.ohokanako.com/